Adolescent & Teen Counselling

Adolescence is the stage when we make the transition from child to adult, this usually occurs between 10 and 19. This is a time which a great deal of both physical and mental changes take place, the physical changes often referred to as puberty. These changes may predispose adolescents to be sensitive, to experience mood swings and to have swings in confidence levels. For this reason, we parents should ensure that we take into account this period of vulnerability which require support and understanding.


ADOLESCENTS often find themselves in various emotional difficulties, such as:

  • lacking self-confidence, finding themselves at odds with their parents, teachers and peers,
  • not being understood by their parents, teachers,
  • with learning difficulties and disabilities, with motivation and study problems,
  • feeling disliked by others, not knowing what they want and where they belong,
  • feeling rejected by the society or feeling alienated, lonely,
  • having fallen into bad company and taken on inappropriate habits,
  • having lost their will to live.
  • Teenagers often find their independence by making friends and widening their social circle. As they begin to carve out an identity, they become more susceptible to their friend’s influences. In general this is a healthy process that enables the teenager to find a niche outside of the family environment. But occasionally peer pressure may lead to situations that need parental or professional guidance.
  • Unfortunately study also shows that about 4 in 10 teenagers become seriously depressed each year. That alone is a shocking figure, but in light of developmental changes and the numerous pressures on young people, those affected and in need of therapy can be much higher, hence the need for counseling.
  • Growing up is characterized by new experiences. Obviously this varies on the individual, but it is a time when young people find new friends, peer pressure comes truly into play and young people may first be exposed to drugs, alcohol or cigarettes. With all this temptation comes responsibility and it is the combination of the two which may cause anxiety and turbulence when going through puberty – all issues which can be explored through counseling.


  • being worried whether their child develops properly
  • in need of help in raising their child
  • finding themselves in conflict with their child
  • not knowing how else to help their child with learning difficulties
  • wishing to help their child overcome a difficult experience
  • seeking to understand the nature of the problems, experienced by their children or adolescent.

In summary, don’t believe that feeling depressed is a ‘normal’ side of growing up. Anything that interferes with your everyday life in a negative way should be tackled.


Our Specilaities

To be able to understand the scope of problems, we at Mindscape identify and help develop the adolescent’s abilities thus enhancing his/her internal strengths to cope more with everyday problems. Adolescent counselling is aimed at helping young people make sense of their feelings, thoughts and behaviours.

Write in to us at or contact us at 0471–2339483 (between 10 am to 4 pm) or 9249595768 / 7907113827 (between 10 am to 7 pm).


First Floor, Lulu Apartments, Opp. Police Parade Ground, Thycaud, Trivandrum 695014

PHONES +91-471-2339483 Mobile : +91-9249595768 or +917907113827



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